
Top 4 Essential Oils for Managing Psoriasis

Oct 01, 2023

Millions worldwide suffer from psoriasis, a chronic, inflammatory skin condition, yet finding appropriate therapies can be exhausting. Essential oils for psoriasis are becoming increasingly popular due to their natural and holistic treatment.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil, made from Melaleuca alternifolia leaves, has a long history of indigenous Australian wisdom. This essential oil is a popular psoriasis treatment due to its high terpinene-4-ol concentration and anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties.

Antibacterial qualities make tea tree oil effective against psoriasis and inflammation. Oil penetrates skin barriers to soothe, reduce inflammation, and prevent repeated infections. Anti-inflammatory tea tree oil soothes, reduces redness, and treats psoriasis.

Use of Tea Tree Oil for Psoriasis

Embarking on the journey of utilizing tea tree oil for psoriasis necessitates a cautious approach. In its undiluted form, the oil can be potent; hence, it is imperative to dilute it with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, to circumvent skin irritation. Administering the mixture gently on the affected area and allowing it to permeate the skin unveils tea tree oil's soothing and healing facets.

Coconut Oil

With its emollient and anti-inflammatory virtues, the oil emerges as a famous sanctuary for individuals seeking relief from psoriasis. Coconut oil for psoriasis is not just a mere moisturizer; it transcends its essential role by crafting a protective barrier on the skin, warding off further irritation and dryness.

Nourishing and Hydrating

The laudable reputation of coconut oil as a skin-nourishing elixir is well-earned. The fatty acids inherent in the oil are instrumental in rejuvenating the skin’s natural barrier, locking in moisture, and mitigating the incessant dryness and itching synonymous with psoriasis. Moreover, the antioxidant arsenal of coconut oil is a formidable force against oxidative stress, fostering skin regeneration and expediting the healing odyssey.

How to Use Coconut Oil for Psoriasis

Incorporating coconut oil for psoriasis into one’s skincare routine is seamless. A liberal application of virgin coconut oil on the afflicted areas, complemented with a gentle massage, sets the stage for optimal absorption. The skin, now bathed in the nourishing embrace of coconut oil, begins its journey towards healing and rejuvenation. Regular anointment with this oil is a gentle whisper of relief, aiding in managing psoriasis symptoms and heralding an improvement in overall skin health.

Lavender Oil

Lavender oil, meticulously extracted from the enchanting flowers of the lavender plant, stands as a testament to the gentleness of nature's healing touch. Revered for its calming aroma that dances through the senses and its myriad therapeutic properties, lavender oil is a cornerstone of essential oils for psoriasis and other irritating skin conditions.

Relaxing and Healing

With its aromatic symphony, Lavender oil orchestrates a tranquil melody of relaxation and stress reduction. The interplay between the mind and body is intricate, and stress is a notorious provocateur of psoriasis flare-ups. Thus, incorporating lavender oil into one's routine unveils a dual tapestry of benefits. The oil, with its gentle caress, soothes the turbulent landscape of the skin while concurrently acting as a sentinel of serenity, potentially diminishing the frequency and ferocity of psoriasis outbreaks.

How to Use Lavender Oil for Psoriasis

Integrating lavender oil for psoriasis is akin to crafting a delicate potion. A few drops of this floral elixir, amalgamated with a carrier oil such as coconut oil, yield a harmonious blend ready to be applied to distressed areas. The synergy between lavender and coconut oil accentuates the soothing benefits, acting as a balm for the itching and inflammation that often characterize psoriasis.

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil, a refreshing extract born from the leaves of the peppermint plant, is a beacon of coolness and solace. The oil, endowed with the vital essence of menthol, paints a cooling tableau on the skin, alleviating the itching and discomfort that are the constant companions of those grappling with psoriasis.

Anti-Inflammatory and Analgesic

The therapeutic profile of peppermint oil is diverse and potent. Its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties converge to quell the inflammation and pain that besieges psoriatic lesions. With its cooling embrace, the menthol dissipates the itching and burning sensations, providing immediate and profound relief.

Psoriasis Treatment with Peppermint Oil

Diluting peppermint oil with coconut oil reduces inflammation and maximizes its effects on psoriasis. When applied to the affected terrains of the skin, this concoction unveils a cooling sanctuary of relief. Consistent application of this minty refuge can be a catalyst in managing the variable symptoms of psoriasis, improving the quality of life for those who walk this challenging path.

Combining Essential Oils for Enhanced Benefits

Combining these essential oils can offer synergistic benefits, maximizing their therapeutic properties. For example, mixing tea tree oil with coconut oil combines the antiseptic properties of tea tree oil with the nourishing and moisturizing benefits of coconut oil, providing comprehensive care for psoriasis-affected skin.

Consulting Healthcare Professionals

While essential oils offer natural alternatives for managing psoriasis, it is crucial to consult healthcare professionals before incorporating them into your regimen. They can guide usage, dilution ratios, and potential interactions with other treatments, ensuring safe and effective use.

Safety and Precautions

Essential oils are potent, and their undiluted application can cause skin irritation. Performing a patch test before completing the application is necessary to avoid adverse reactions. Additionally, pregnant or breastfeeding women and individuals with certain health conditions should consult healthcare providers before using essential oils.


The journey to manage and control psoriasis can be challenging, but essential oils like tea tree, coconut, lavender, and peppermint oil offer natural, therapeutic options. Their anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and soothing properties can help alleviate symptoms and improve skin health. However, it is essential to use them safely, consult healthcare professionals, and consider individual skin needs and responses to maximize their benefits.

These essential oils for psoriasis are not a cure, but they can be a valuable addition to your skincare routine, offering relief and contributing to a higher quality of life. Always remember a thoughtful and personalized approach to psoriasis care is the key to managing this chronic condition effectively.